Dead Central Exhibition

TDAI Tour Dead Central Exhibition

21 TDAI Members attended a Guided Tour of the State Library and the Mitchell Library Wing on Tuesday 10 September.  The facilities available for research are fantastic and the sheer majesty and historical significance of the Mitchell Wing, truly outstanding. The information provided by the volunteer guides was excellent and gave us all an appreciation of the library’s historical importance for us all and for future generations to come.

The real purpose of our visit was to view the Dead Central Exhibition which did not disappoint.   One got the feeling of almost being there in the 1920’s when the exhumation of the graves at the Devonshire Street Cemetery was taking place and the remains moved to La Perouse Cemetery to make way for the new Central Station. The atmosphere, photographs, drawings, maps and film of the undertaking were amazing and a credit to the Curators who made the exhibition possible.

We do know that William Tunks was buried in the Devonshire Street Cemetery  however, as his grave was not formally identified and claimed during the removal process, we do not know of his final resting place. One day, perhaps through more research in a place like the State Library, we may be able to solve this mystery. 

1 thought on “TDAI Tour Dead Central Exhibition”

  1. Hello, I would love to join the ‘Descentants’ on the tour: DEAD CENTRAL? Thankyou, regards Jane.

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